
These Hotel Rooms Are Hanging Off The Side Of A Mountain


Skylodge Adventure Suites By Natura Vive


Adventure tourism company Natura Vive, have created the Skylodge Adventure Suites, a group of three hanging transparent suites on the side of a mountain in the Sacred Valley of Cuzco, Peru.


Skylodge Adventure Suites By Natura Vive

Getting to your room is a bit of a challenge. You have two choices, either climb up the side of the mountain or hike a trail with ziplines.

Skylodge Adventure Suites By Natura Vive

The bedrooms are hand crafted out of aerospace aluminum and weather resistant polycarbonate, with each suite consisting of four beds, a dining area, and a private bathroom.

Skylodge Adventure Suites By Natura Vive

Measuring 24 ft. in length and 8 ft. in height and width, the capsule suites are composed of six windows and four ventilation ducts that ensure a comfortable atmosphere.

Skylodge Adventure Suites By Natura Vive

The bedrooms also have a lighting system, with four interior lamps and a reading light, all powered by solar panels that store energy in batteries.

Skylodge Adventure Suites By Natura Vive

Each suite has a private bathroom separated from the bedroom by an insulated wall. Inside is a dry ecological toilet and sink, where you can still enjoy the gorgeous views through a dome window. The dome also has curtains for privacy from the curious gaze of passing condors (your sky neighbors).

Skylodge Adventure Suites By Natura Vive

More information at Natura Vive
