
Glamping In Antarctica Is A Thing And This Is What It Looks Like


GLAMPING IN ANTARCTICA // White Desert is a tour company whose mission is to give people an opportunity to see and experience the "real Antarctica", by staying in one of 6 sleeping pods.

Photography by White Desert


When you think of places you’d like to go glamping, chances are Antarctica isn’t the first place that comes to mind.


GLAMPING IN ANTARCTICA // White Desert is a tour company whose mission is to give people an opportunity to see and experience the "real Antarctica", by staying in one of 6 sleeping pods.

But once you realize the awe-inspiring experiences, unparalleled scenery, and cozy pods that await you, it might just move to the top of your list.

GLAMPING IN ANTARCTICA // White Desert is a tour company whose mission is to give people an opportunity to see and experience the "real Antarctica", by staying in one of 6 sleeping pods.

Photography by White Desert

White Desert is a tour company whose mission is to give people an opportunity to see and experience the “real Antarctica.”

GLAMPING IN ANTARCTICA // White Desert is a tour company whose mission is to give people an opportunity to see and experience the "real Antarctica", by staying in one of 6 sleeping pods.

Photography by White Desert

They fly down small of groups of people from Cape Town, South Africa on a flight that takes five and a half hours, set them up in a camp, and help them experience Antarctica in any way they want, whether that means simply relaxing or going on adrenaline pumping adventures.

GLAMPING IN ANTARCTICA // White Desert is a tour company whose mission is to give people an opportunity to see and experience the "real Antarctica", by staying in one of 6 sleeping pods.

Photography by White Desert

The camp consists of 6 sleeping pods that each sleep two people. Inside each one is a double bed, a desk, a toilet, and a wash area.

GLAMPING IN ANTARCTICA // White Desert is a tour company whose mission is to give people an opportunity to see and experience the "real Antarctica", by staying in one of 6 sleeping pods.

Photography by White Desert

Other pods at the camp include a shower pod, a kitchen pod, and two custom tents designed for relaxing and dining.

GLAMPING IN ANTARCTICA // White Desert is a tour company whose mission is to give people an opportunity to see and experience the "real Antarctica", by staying in one of 6 sleeping pods.

Photography by White Desert

The camp also ships out all human waste to be properly disposed of in South Africa, runs on solar and wind power, and offsets their flight emissions through various carbon projects around the world.

GLAMPING IN ANTARCTICA // White Desert is a tour company whose mission is to give people an opportunity to see and experience the "real Antarctica", by staying in one of 6 sleeping pods.

Photography by White Desert

Near the camp, guests can experience all sorts of things, including ice tunnels, ice waves, rock climbing, kite skiing, picnics, science base-camps and abseiling (a controlled descent down the side of a steep rock face). But that’s just the beginning.

GLAMPING IN ANTARCTICA // White Desert is a tour company whose mission is to give people an opportunity to see and experience the "real Antarctica", by staying in one of 6 sleeping pods.

Photography by White Desert

Each group that heads down to Antarctica chooses one of three adventure packages. These packages include things like a trip to see the Emperor Penguins, a trek to the South Pole, and various mountain hikes.

GLAMPING IN ANTARCTICA // White Desert is a tour company whose mission is to give people an opportunity to see and experience the "real Antarctica", by staying in one of 6 sleeping pods.

Photography by White Desert

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